Thursday, December 22, 2011

'If a guy likes you he will make it happen', as in hel ask you out?

This quote was in He's Just Not That Into You. Is it true, no matter what he will make it happen, even if it means putting the friendship in danger? And does 'make it happen' mean he will directyl tell you he likes you and is serious or a number of hints. He's given me tons of hints, but I dont know if they're serious hints or him just flirting. Telling me how he and his family favors me, complimenting me a couple of times,(how he smelled my hair), asking me if I like some physical features of guy that he actually has, discussing future like how many kids I would want a couple of times (Im not sure what he means but he jokingly added that they would be very tall which he is), asking me if i like hugging while sleeping then joking its a good thing. (Btw I knw its not that hes trying to get in my pants, wel be both be virgins till wer married by religion and Easter culture and he genuinley cares cuz wer good friends) Theres a lot of stuff. He once told me about a girl he liked though, aanad then later once said he doesnt care about that and I ask how she is sometimes, and after answering in a word he would ask me how Im doing? So I dunno. How does this rule apply? He hasn't been direct, but maybe hes testing me.


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